People decide to leave a marriage when the second-most
impossible choice is to stay.
The realization that a divorce is inevitable is an incredibly difficult prospect to face, whether you are the spouse initiating it or not.
It can be a time of ceaseless confusion, conflicting emotions, and feels intensely overwhelming.
When faced with one of the most trying transitions you will ever make, you need an ally and advocate by your side. Whether prompted by a revelation, long-term contemplation, or a choice made by your spouse without your agreement, you need clarity to replace confusion, calm to quell the chaos, and a focus to help you move forward.
Our divorce attorneys see clients every single day who are grappling with these weighty challenges. And regardless of their unique circumstances, we always start at the same place, with a guiding question that is foundational to how we practice family law: What do you want your new life to be? From there, everything we do is focused on the outcomes that put the best interests of you and your children first.
When this is behind you, we want you to feel whole again, satisfied with the outcome, and fully positioned to move forward in your new life.
As divorce attorneys, we support our clients in suburban Maryland and Washington DC by tamping down the conflict. We present thoughtful solutions that are grounded in negotiation, considerate compromise, and reasoned collaboration, applying research-backed methods to support the well-being of your children, in our child custody and child support cases.
We also have a keen understanding of the financial implications of divorce on a family. We have the deep financial acumen and experience necessary to mitigate losses and preserve your long term financial picture, no matter how complex your assets and financial portfolio may be.
We will do our best to keep your case out of court, believing this is often what is best for everyone involved. But we are skilled and tenacious litigators when the circumstances do not allow for any other path forward.
McKinney Figini divorce attorneys are deeply experienced in both straightforward and complex cases involving traditional and non-traditional families.
You can expect our divorce attorneys to...
- Listen openly to your side of the story. We first gain an understanding of your unique situation. We foster honest, direct communication in a safe, objective space. We are your team and you can tell us anything.
- Assess and analyze the facts deeply. The facts of your story and the financials of your family will be fully considered, assessed, and analyzed. This brings focus and clarity to what comes next.
- Propose potential paths forward. We will take our knowledge and experience of the law and apply it to your circumstances to come up with constructive and appropriate solutions. We will never lose sight of your unique needs and desires along the way.
- Advocate for your optimal outcome. Like most people, you probably want your divorce to be as dignified and conflict-free as possible. We protect that sentiment with a principled approach, focused on an amicable settlement.
- Litigate skillfully when necessary. While we typically aim for out-of-court resolutions that allow you to control decisions, sometimes your case needs to go before a court. In that instance, we are highly skilled litigators who will advocate vigorously on your behalf, making sure your voice is heard.
The attorneys at McKinney Figini understand that divorce is hard, even under the best of circumstances. Our goal is to make it less so with a process that is as constructive and efficient as possible. You can do this. We can help.
At McKinney Figini we value,
- Conflict reduction. We cut down contention and strive for considerate compromise to reach resolutions with grace and dignity.
- Child-centered resolutions. We put the well-being of children first, always.
- Client-focused futures. We place clients at the center of the decision-making process, never losing sight of attaining their vision of their family’s future.
- Clarity and confidence. We bring clarity where there is confusion, focus to the path forward, and strategic guidance that creates confidence.
- Constructive processes. We move your matter forward with efficiency, open communication, and collaboration.